It's Okay to be Vulnerable
In fact, being okay with being vulnerable makes us stronger. When I was younger, I was plagued with stage fright like you wouldn't believe. Classic symptoms like loss of pigment, beating heart, trembling, and feeling faint were all routine for me when even the thought of having to get in front of people entered my mind. Fast forward to today. I'm in a band. I've sang songs with vulnerable lyrics that I wrote myself in front of hundreds of people. How did I get here? It was a long journey, and maybe I'll write about it in another post, but the short version is that I became ok with being vulnerable in front of people. It was being vulnerable that frightened me. I was at the mercy of everyone watching me. What would they think of me? What if I let them down? What if I'm not funny? What if I forget what I need to say? The point is that it doesn't matter. When I get on stage, my blood is red, just like everyone else's. If I make a mistake, it's ok. I'm...